Facebook co-founder seeks gay marriage for New York

Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, and his partner Sean Eldridge, a director of Freedom to Marry, announced their engagement and intention to push for gay marriage in the state.
The New York Post reports that Eldridge and Hughes became engaged on New Year’s Eve.
Freedom to Marry is a coalition which campaigns for marriage equality in America of which Sean Eldridge is political director. Eldridge announced the couple’s plans for a union while hosting a Freedom to Marry reception.
He said: “As you know, we can’t get married in New York, so there is more of an urgency to approve gay marriage, so we can get married here.”
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reiterated his intentions to redefine marriage during a state address earlier this month.
Gay marriage proponent Senator Thomas Duane has also pledged to introduce such legislation in the coming weeks.
Senator Duane said: “I think everyone is aware that we have to make the lives of New Yorkers better in every way – economically, as well as to provide equality to New York families.”
Gay marriage is currently legal in the states of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington, DC.