Lesbian PC wins discrimination case

A lesbian policewoman has won her case for sexual orientation discrimination against her sergeant.
PC Tracey West, 42, was bullied by Sgt Michael Service for six months, a tribunal in Glasgow heard.
Sgt Service, who claimed gay officers were “poofs” and “freaks”, told PC West that her sexual orientation was an illness, BBC News reports.
He also referred to her as “dyke” and said that a representative of the Gay Police Association could not enter the office.
Other allegations included Sgt Service saying that one of PC West’s parents must be gay and mocking her civil partnership.
PC West said the abuse began at Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary in early 2007 and she made a complaint in August 2007 after six months.
Today, the tribunal ruled she was subjected to a “relentless series of homophobic conduct” and ordered Sgt Service to pay her £7,500. Her former employers must pay her £2,500.
PC West, who has since emigrated to Australia, said she had become a “nervous wreck” and was “petrified” of her superior.
Sgt Service resigned in April 2008 after 20 years in the job as a result of the claims against him.
He claimed at the tribunal that PC West was lying and wanted compensation to pay for her move to Australia.