Mitt Romney advisor likened being gay to being a drug addict

Mitt Romney’s advisor spoke out in opposition to an amendment which would allow civil unions at a Republican assembly, likening being gay to drug use, and polygamy.
At the Republican National Assembly Platform, a delegate from Nevada spoke in favour of the amendment, which would allow civil unions, and warned about alienating young Republicans through the party’s ongoing opposition to equal marriage rights.
Kris Kobach, advisor to Mitt Romney, spoke against the amendment, saying:
“I think the wording is too broad. Especially the last sentence: ‘As long as there are no infringements on the rights of others, It is not the role of government to judge.’
“Well, our government routinely judges situations where you might regard people completely affecting themselves like, for example, the use of controlled substances, like, for example, polygamy that is voluntarily entered into. We condemn those activities even though they’re not hurting other people, at least directly.”
The speaker in favour of the amendment quoted Vice President Dick Cheney, who said: “Freedom means freedom for everyone.”