US Political Action Committee: ‘Senator’s son may die of AIDS because he accepted that he is gay’

A political action committee (PAC) has written that by accepting his son’s sexuality, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, is putting him at risk of dying “from AIDS”, “or oral cancer”. It went on to compare homosexuality with cocaine addiction.
The Government is not God PAC published an article in response to the recent news that Republican Senator Portman had changed his stance to support equal marriage, because his son had come out as gay. It claims that he is part of a “gay agenda”, and asks what is next.
The article by the PAC read: “Portman has conveniently ignored the warnings against the sin of homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments – and is accepting a behavior that may eventually kill his son from AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, or oral cancer.”
The article refers to the fact that Portman cited the bible as a source for the “love and compassion” he was showing to his son, by accepting his sexuality, and changing his stance on equal marriage.
“Homosexual sex is ultimately just as destructive as cocaine use. Would Portman suddenly call for the legalization of cocaine if his son had announced that he was a cocaine addict? Would that be ‘loving’ and ‘compassionate’?”
It goes on to question whether Senator Portman would accept his son if he was transgender, and asks if he would support his son if he was arrested for insider trading, “and call for the legalization of inside trading?”
It read: “What if his son had announced that he’s really a girl trapped inside a boy’s body – and wanted a ‘sex change’ operation? Would Portman support his son’s mutilation of his male body to become a fake female? How would that be loving?
“What sort of core values motivate a U.S. Senator to change his mind about a sexually destructive behavior simply because his son is involved in it? What will happen to Rob Portman’s belief system when he discovers that his son is infected with HIV or throat cancer?”
The article concludes by saying that homosexuality is “a treatable condition” and is a choice.
It reads: “A person with a same-sex attraction has a treatable condition. No one is ‘born gay’ and there is hope for those who want to overcome these destructive behaviors.”
The Government is not God PAC endorsed Rick Santorum for the 2012 presidential race.