Tony Perkins: ‘Stop giving money to the GOP until it firmly opposes equal marriage’

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has urged Republican Party supporters to stop giving money to the party until it starts “defending core principals”, including “protect marriage”, as between a man and a woman.
In an email sent to his subscribers on Thursday, Perkins urged Republican donors to stop giving money until the party clarified its position, and oppose marriage equality.
The Republican Party is expected to vote on Friday to decide on whether or not it will reaffirm its position opposed to equal marriage.
He wrote: “Until the RNC and the other national Republican organizations grow a backbone and start defending core principles, don’t send them a dime of your hard-earned money,” Perkins wrote on Thursday in an e-mail obtained by CNN. “If you want to invest in the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who reflect your values and organizations you trust-like FRC Action.
“Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters,” he continued. “There’s an entire group of ‘Countercultural Warriors’ full of compelling young leaders who are all going to the mat to protect marriage,” reported CNN.
Two Republican Senators have recently come out in support of equal marriage. Mark Kirk of Illinois became the second Republican Senator to come out in support of equal marriage last week, after Rob Portman, one of the original sponsors of the Defense of Marriage Act, who also recently offered his support to same-sex marriage after the revelation that his own son was gay.
Reports from last week of a lawsuit against a catering company suggested that Lady Gaga had turned down $1 million (£650,000), to perform at the Republican National Convention in August, which Kid Rock performed at.