Wife of Christine Quinn says NYC mayoral hopeful has received threats for being gay

The wife of New York City mayoral hopeful Christine Quinn has said that the candidate has received threats because she is openly gay.
Quinn’s wife Kim Catullo, said she was worried about her safety because of the threats, but did not specify anything other than they were received because she is open about her sexuality.
Catullo, who is to take a more public role in Quinn’s campaign to become the first openly-gay and first female NYC mayor, said Quinn “has gotten threats about being gay”, reports the Associated Press.
Quinn married her long time partner Catullo, in New York City last May. In her memoir, Quinn wrote that Catullo said she could only be with a New York Yankees fan. ”I dumped the [New York] Mets in a hot second,” Quinn said.
Catullo said Quinn’s candidacy represented an “incredible moment” for the city of New York. City Council speaker Christine Quinn, formally announced that she will run for the position of NYC mayor in March.
As City Council speaker, Ms Quinn is New York City’s second most powerful public servant, behind the mayor.
If elected, Ms Quinn would become New York City’s first female mayor as well as its first openly gay mayor.