Hunger strike man: Utah Governor ‘did the right thing’ by ceasing to recognise same-sex marriages

A man in the US state of Utah who went on hunger strike during the period in which gay couples were able to marry in the state has said the Governor has “done the right thing” by saying same-sex marriages conducted in that period will not be recognised by the state.
Trestin Meacham, a Mormon from Utah, who is the head of a soverieign state in which Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups can be used as currency, went on hunger strike for two weeks during that period, and only began to eat again following Monday’s Ruling.
Today he tweeted to say he agreed with the decision by the Governor.
Governor Herbert did the right thing today:
— Trestin Meacham (@TrestinMeacham1) January 9, 2014
The state may again begin to recognise the marriages of the over 1,300 couples who married between 20 December and 6 January, if the ruling by the lower court is upheld by the US Supreme Court.
The Court has set a late-February deadline for its decision.
Meacham is the head of sovereign nation Kherutistan, set up in the US, which notes a plot of land on the sea-bed of the Pacific Ocean as its territory. It does not have a specific currency, but which its website notes that it allows Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups as part of trade.
It also encourages all citizens to be heavily armed.
Yesterday he said that he went on the strike because “everyone needs a hobby”.