David Cameron and Brighton MP mock ‘gay marriage caused storm’ UKIP councillor

Prime Minister David Cameron has joked at PMQs about the weather-related anti-equal marriage remarks of UKIP Oxfordshire Councillor David Silvester.
At Wednesday’s PMQs, Mr Cameron was asked a question by Conservative MP Simon Kirby about the recent remarks.
Mr Kirby, who represents Brighton Kemptown, said: “Mr Speaker. I am incredibly proud to represent a large gay community in my constituency. Would my Right Honourable Friend agree with me that despite the views of some that the weather in Brighton is nearly always very sunny.”
Amid cheers in the Commons, Mr Cameron replied: “My Honourable Friend is quite right. Brighton does have this superb micro climate which people should be encouraged to take advantage of. He stands up for all his constituents with great vim and vigor and I think in reward it would only be fair if Brighton Kemptown was actually put in place on the shipping forecast somewhere between Dover and White, I think there should be a reflection of this every morning.”
Actor and author Nicholas Pegg has recorded a spoof Radio 4 Shipping Forecast, aimed at mocking UKIP’s latest blunder.
Weather-related parodies of Mr Silvester’s remarks have been doing the rounds on social media – along with a fictional weather service Twitter account called UKIPWeather.
On Monday, UKIP leader Nigel Farage defended the party’s decision to suspend Mr Silvester.
UKIP’s official position is that it supports same-sex civil partnerships but opposes same-sex marriages. The first same-sex marriages will be held in March.
Mr Silvester defected to UKIP from the Conservatives in 2012 in opposition to same-sex marriage.
Equal marriage was an issue that put David Cameron against much of his party.