Republican ‘Ex-gay’ activist: I replaced my homosexual feelings with food

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The activist responsible for an endorsement of ‘ex-gay’ therapy in the Texas Republican state platform says he replaced his homosexual feelingsĀ with food.

Last week, the Texas Republican party adopted a state platform endorsing the use of therapy to ‘cure’ homosexuality.

It reads: “We recognize the legitimacy and value of counselling which offers reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking healing and wholeness from their homosexual lifestyle.”

Lone Star Q reported that Jeremy Schwab – a former member of the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans group – was responsible for the provision, and postedĀ a topless photo from his former acting career.

Schwab responded with a bizarre comment claiming that his homosexual thoughts have been replaced by food.

He said: “This picture was taken about 7 years ago. It was BEFORE I came back to the Lord.

“I think in some ways food replaced sexual sin for me and now I can’t even get into my OWN pants.

“If youā€™d like to dialogue more about this platform plank and this significance in plays in protecting freedom of conscience for ALL ā€“ especially for many youth who consciously CHOOSE (of their own accord) to benefit from Reparative Therapy and other forms of emotional healing, please email me directly at: [email protected].”

In a post defending the platform proposal earlier this month, Schwab had written: “Activists have drafted a bill to be introduced in all 50 states which will ban or severely restrict access to Reparative Therapy and all other SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts) including religious counseling.

“A version of the bill will be introduced in the Texas legislature during the next term.

“This resolution does not state that a person cannot be gay, nor does it try to intimidate gay persons. It only seeks to protect the rights and health of self-motivated individuals in the state of Texas.”