US: Police chief admits signing Tea Party leader up to gay dating and porn sites

A police chief in the US state of Wisconsin has pleaded no contest to charges of signing a local Tea Party leader up to gay porn and dating sites.
Town of Campbell Police Chief Tim Kelemen was charged by prosecutors with one misdemeanor count of unlawful use of a computerised communication system.
As well as signing Tea Party leader Greg Luce up to the porn and dating sites, he signed him up to federal health care websites.
He entered a guilty plea in a deal which calls for the charge to be dismissed in two years, should he commit no further crimes. He must continue counselling and complete 40 hours of community service.
Kelemen said the feud began when members of the party began holding protests on an interstate overpass in Campbell, and he had persuaded the town’s board to ban signs on the bridge, for fear they were distracting drivers.
In retaliation, Kelemen said Luce had urged his supporters to bombard the police department with harassing phone calls and threats.
He said he did not think signing Luce up to the websites was a serious offence.