Tesco removes superhero toys are ‘gifts for boys’ sign

After causing controversy on social media, troubled supermarket chain Tesco has removed a sign advertising a superhero alarm clock under “gifts for boys”.
A seven-year-old “superhero-loving” girl complained to Tesco, and a photo of her looking upset next to the sign in the Tower Park branch of the store in Poole, Dorset, went viral online.
Karen Cole posted the photo of her daughter Maggie, which has been viewed over 10,000 times. She had told her daughter that “all toys were for all people”.
She said Maggie had always been interested in superheroes, dragons and knights, and said she was “amazed” by the response on social media.
Tesco apologised, removed the sign and said the Marvel Comics alarm clock would “make a great gift for both girls and boys.”
A Tesco spokesman told the BBC: “The sign has been removed and we’re sorry if it caused any confusion.”
“When she saw the sign I think she was cross because it was saying the opposite of what I had told her,” Mrs Cole said.
She said she was “very pleased” that the sign had been removed.