Drag Race legend Trinity The Tuck shares update on future of her iconic ‘Winners’ tribute series

Trinity the Tuck has offered an update on the continuation of her iconic Winners Tribute series (@trinitythetuck/ Instagram)
Triple RuPaul’s Drag Race alum Trinity The Tuck has shared an update on the continuation of her iconic content series, in which she paid tribute to all the winners of the franchise.
It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that way back in 2020 – you know, when there was a global pandemic – we all needed a bit of cheering up.
Alongside the season of Drag Race that was airing at the time – Jaida Essence Hall’s victory run – the newly crowned All Stars 4 t(winner) Trinity The Tuck released a content series which featured a tribute to each winner of the franchise up until that point. For those counting, that’s 12 regular winners, The Vivienne from Drag Race UK, and four All Stars seasons (though Trinity later added Shea Coulée after she won AS5).
“We are not trying to outdo the winners in our tribute,” she said at the time. “There’s no competition here. We are showing what we would create with the same concept mixing the winners style with my own.”
Speaking to PinkNews ahead of the release of her seven deadly sins-inspired EP, Sinematic, the first single for which has already dropped, Trinity addressed whether or not she has plans to update the series – given that the Drag Race franchise has crowned four regular season winners and three All Stars victors since the original tribute series ended.
“Things like the Winners Tribute series, doing music videos, doing albums and stuff as drag artists, we’re not Beyonce, we’re not Taylor Swift, we’re not touring the world, making all of this money off of this music and stuff. These are passion projects. They’re specifically for our fans. It costs a fortune to put out content like that,” Trinity shares.
Continuing, Trinity admits that even she didn’t realise how costly the project would be – especially in the midst of a pandemic – but that, ever the work horse, she committed to finishing what she had started.
“The Winners Tribute series, I started right at the beginning of the pandemic, and I didn’t realise how expensive that was going to be,” she laughs.
“And I wanted to see it through because I had already started it, but through the pandemic, while not making funds and then also not making money off of that project – I don’t know that I will do that doing a part two, because it was just financially a lot.”
Never one to disappoint her fans, though, Trinity does reveal that all the lewks from the series will be available in a new edition of a Trinity the Tuck look book, which will hopefully be available at this coming Drag Con; and she adds: “You know, I’ll never say never with the Winners Tribute series – but it would have to be where I got sponsorship somehow, if it made sense.”
Sinematic by Trinity the Tuck will be available 1 June. Til Death Becomes Us is available to stream now.
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