Protest against the closure of The Black Cap

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London’s drag community have organised a protest outside The Black Cap this Saturday.

The protest group “#WeAreTheBlackCap” has got together after the sudden closure of the historic venue. It is closely linked with the popular drag night The Meth Lab.

The Black Cap pub closed its doors this weekĀ after a battle over a proposed redevelopment which lasted several months.

Despite having successfully applied to be recognised as an asset of community value just last Wednesday, the historic cabaret venueā€™s owners, Faucet Inn, closed its doors onĀ April 12.

A statement from the group says: “The Black Cap is an historically significant bar and club within the LGBTQ+ community and has played a huge role in queer culture over the last 50+ years.

“It has been home to legendary drag queens such as Mrs. Shufflewick and Regina Fong to name just a few. Its loss to the regular community who attend the venue is profound.

“The protest on Saturday is to express our anger at the unceremonious closer of such an amazing venue, to remain visible in the eyes of the public and the owners, and to mobilise the community surrounding The Black Cap to fight for its survival.

“We stand in solidarity with venues such as the RVT and The Joinerā€™s Arms and fight against the wider gentrification and closure of LGBTQ+ spaces in London.”

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern also has a group fighting for its survival as an LGBT community venue.