Kellie Maloney: Nigel Farage made jokes about me when I came out as transgender

Kellie Maloney has accused UKIP leader Nigel Farage of making jokes at her expense after she came out as transgender.
The boxing promoter and former UK Independence Party candidate came out as transgender last August, and gave a speech at the party’s Spring Conference earlier this year.
However, Ms Maloney has recently backed away from the party, recently warning they could become a “party of cavemen” on gay rights.
Speaking to EQView, the ex-candidate revealed that newly-instated leader Nigel Farage had made jokes at her expense, the first time they met following her transition.
She said of her rift with the party: “It started when I met Nigel Farage.
“It was a cordial meeting where he made a couple of jokes about my transition but I made allowance, and I said all I want him and his party to do is understand and show sympathy to the LGBT community.
“He said to me that the policy at UKIP is to treat everyone the same, which is why I agreed to speak at the UKIP convention on a non-political basis, and I said UKIP needs to change its ways to be accepted by the LGBT community.
“But then I was told about a new UKIP manifesto where they believe that a Christian family with a business could turn away gay custom, so I had to make a statement against them.”
UKIP’s main manifesto did not mention LGBT people at all, but a secondary Christian manifesto – that the party neglected to release to the press – pledged to create a “conscience” loophole to weaken equality laws.
The party pledged of same-sex marriage in the document: “We will also extend the legal concept of ‘reasonable accommodation’ to give protection in law to those expressing a religious conscience in the workplace on this issue.”
Nigel Farage claimed in the manifesto: “Sadly, I think UKIP is the only major political party left in Britain that still cherishes our Judaeo-Christian heritage.
“I believe other parties have deliberately marginalised our nation’s faith, whereas we take Christian values and traditions into consideration when making policy.
“Take the family, for instance. Traditional Christian views of marriage and family life have come under attack of late, whereas we have no problem in supporting and even promoting conventional marriage as a firm foundation for a secure and happy family.”