Hooray! The smallest country in the world now has same-sex marriage

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The Pitcairn Island, which is home to 48 people, has passed a same-sex marriage law, despite there being no same-sexĀ couples there waiting to wed.

Same-sex couplesĀ living on the island, the last remaining British Overseas Territory in the Pacific, can now marry.

The Pitcairn Island, which is sometimes considered the world’s smallest country by population, actually passed the law which came into effect on 15 May, but due to technical difficulties with its official website, it was not publicised online.

The Deputy Governor of Pitcairn, Kevin Lynch, said the change was suggested by British authorities, and was approved by the island’s local council.

Residents have said there have so-far not been any same-sex weddings, and that there are no gay couples currently planning to wed.