Anti-gay clerk’s lawyer compares her to ‘Jews led to the gas chambers’

The lawyer of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has compared his client to Jews killed in the Holocaust – after she was jailed for contempt of court.
Davis, the clerk for Rowan County, flouted direct orders from a number of courts to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, which is one of the primary functions of her job.
The clerk, who has been married four times but claims “God” wants her to block gays from marrying, was remanded in custody yesterday for contempt of court.
Davis has since rejected deals that would see her released if she permits licenses to be issued – but her lawyer Mat Staver, from extreme anti-gay firm Liberty Counsel, likened her case to one from Nazi Germany.
In a radio interview with the anti-gay Family Research Council noted by Right Wing Watch, he said: “She’s not the only one, we’ve got bakers and florists… photographers, and wedding chapels. We’re going to have this happen to churches and pastors. This is just the beginning.
“The question is are people going to draw a line and say ‘enough is enough, this is not the kind of America that we want to live in’.”
He added: “Back in the 1930s, it began with the Jews, where they were evicted from public employment, then boycotted in their private employment, then stigmatised and that led to the gas chambers.
“This is the new persecution of Christians here in this country.”
The vile comments are no surprise from Staver – whose links to the case seem at odds with assertions that Davis is an innocent ‘victim’.
Staver has claimed children will be “forced” into same-sex relationships, compared equal marriage to Islamic State, and suggested that gay equality will cause straight men to cheat on their wives with other men.