Batboy for Major League Baseball team shares moving coming out story.
A batboy for a Major League Baseball team has shared his coming-out story.
Spenser Clark came out publicly in a post on Outsports yesterday.
In the post he wrote “I’m not a major-league player, but I am something that I consider to be the next best thing: I’m a batboy for the Washington Nationals.
“I am living the dream.”
But for many years Spenser did not reveal his sexuality to anyone, saying he feared “ridicule,” and was ashamed of who he was.
“I hated myself.” Spenser admitted, “I didn’t want anything to do with me because, in my mind, I was awful.”
But after spending the summer in a program for gifted students he summoned the strength to reveal his sexuality to those around him.
He came out over text to his best friend and according to Spenser “Her reaction gave me the strength and courage to come out to more and more people.”
After Spenser had come out to the people closest to him, he decided that he had to come out to his employers.
“I couldn’t express myself the way I wanted,” He admitted.
I didn’t want to hide anymore. I was unsure about how “sports people” would feel about having a gay co-worker.’
He feared he would be fired, or bullied. But “None of that happened,” according to Spenser.
“I told everyone individually and everyone had similar reactions. They were proud of me and congratulated me for feeling comfortable enough with myself to be myself.
“They told me that nothing would change – and nothing did.”
The Washington Nationals released a statement saying they “applaud” Spenser for his bravery.
Read Spenser’s post here.
Earlier this year, Baseball player David Denson came out and became the first out active player in an affiliated league.