‘No men in women’s bathroom’ lawyer defends bathroom peeper

A man who has admitted to taking secret pictures of naked women in a bathroom is to be represented by Jared Woodfill.
Woodfill, a Houston Lawyer and former Harris County Republican Party leader, is to represent BJ Farmer, a local business owner.
Farmer admitted last February to hiding in the shower of a private home and taking pictures of seven women who were changing their clothes.
One of the women, Andrea Villarreal, was alerted to the photos by Farmer’s ex-wife ten years after the incident. She has since taken Farmer to court.
In one of his court filings, originally reported in the Houston Press, Woodfill dismissed the claims against his client.
He also implied that Villarreal was well aware of the photos, even though Farmer admitted earlier that he did not know if Villarreal knew about the pictures.
“Surely if it bothered her, she would not have been in front of multiple other people, including men,” Woodfill wrote.
“If she was so concerned about her privacy, she would not have been an active participant.”
Woodfill was the lawyer who originally sued the city of Houston after the original petition to throw out HERO was rejected.
He said “We don’t believe that males — regardless of whether they are transgender or cross-dressers or someone who identifies as a woman — should be able to go into a female restroom, shower, or locker room under the protection of law.”