France authorises PrEP for most at risk of contracting HIV

France has just taken a big step forward in the fight against HIV, by approving the use of PrEP for those most at risk of transmission.
The Minister for Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights, Marisol Touraine, made the decision this week.
“I welcome the publication of a temporary recommendation for use of Truvada, a drug that should allow us to significantly advance the fight against HIV”, said the Minister.
It has already been hailed by HIV organisations in the country and across Europe.
The director of ANRS, Professor Jean-Francois Delfraissy, said the step by France is “of huge significance”.
“It will enable everyone involved – health professionals, nonprofit organisations, municipal authorities, researchers – to work together towards a new goal: Eradication of HIV. This decision,” he added.
He also said France’s decision “should now open the way to the authorisation of PrEP in other European countries.
Some jurisdictions across the globe have already begun to allow some, usually the most at risk of contracting HIV, access to PrEP drugs.
This week is National HIV Testing Week in the UK. Click here to go to It Starts With Me, to find out more.