Trump might be sad to hear this anti-gay group has just dumped him

Donald Trump may be upset to find that the adamantly homophobic National Organisation for Marriage (NOM) has “dumped” him.
The Republican Presidential hopeful, despite being anti-gay marriage, is simply not homophobic enough for NOM, which says he “quit on the fight for marriage”.
In a release sent to PinkNews, NOM said of Trump: “When Donald Trump quit on the fight for marriage, he quit on South Carolina and over 50 million voters across the nation who cast ballots defining marriage as one man and one woman. The ad urges South Carolinians to ‘Dump Trump.’”
Apparently the ad refers to when the US Supreme Court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage, and when Trump said that opposing it was a “dead issue”.
But he has since told Fox News that he would likely back a plot to overturn it, before telling a lesbian TV journalist that he would “move forward” on LGBT rights just days later.
When challenged on the contradiction in a third interview, Mr Trump attempted to maintain both contradicting views simultaneously.
Anyway, NOM is now backing Ted Cruz for South Carolina, and has pitted its followers against Trump.
Earlier today, Trump hit out at rival Cruz – after Cruz claimed that he doesn’t oppose equal marriage.
Now now, boys, let’s not fight over who is the biggest homophobe!
Check out the video from NOM Below: