Media calls for Trump fan Chris Christie to step down as New Jersey Gov
An editorial from six publications has called for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to step down.
The editorial from the Asbury Park Press, Home News Tribune, Courier News, Cherry Hill Courier-Post, Daily Journal, and Morristown Daily Record, says Christie should step down “for the good of the state”.
Published in the Huffington Post, the editorial attacks Christie for his “arrogance”, and “long neglect of the state”.
In addition, it criticises him for endorsing Donald Trump for US President.
Calling Trump “an utter disgrace” and “an embarrassment”, the editorial reads: “We’re fed up with Gov. Chris Christie’s arrogance.
“We’re fed up with his opportunism. We’re fed up with his hypocrisy. We’re fed up with his sarcasm. We’re fed up with his long neglect of the state to pursue his own selfish agenda.
“We’re disgusted with his endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president. And we’re fed up with his continuing travel out of state on New Jersey’s dime, stumping for Trump, after finally abandoning his own presidential campaign.”
Noting that the Governor spent “261 full or partial days” outside the state of New Jersey in 2015, the editorial urges voters to initiate a recall drive.
A previous Republican presidential hopeful himself, Christie ended his campaign on 10 February.
Last week he endorsed frontrunner Donald Trump for the nomination.
However Christie has been widely mocked for the way he appeared unengaged at a rally in Florida at which Trump gave a victory speech.
Christie has a mixed record on LGBT rights laws, having vetoed equal marriage bills, and bills to help trans people legally change genders.
He did in 2013, however, sign a bill which outlaws the use of gay ‘cure’ therapy on minors in New Jersey, making the state the second to do so.
During his short campaign Christie also opposed moves to protect “religious freedom”, which have regularly been criticised for allowing anti-LGBT discrimination to take place.
Trump on the other hand, has told Fox News he would likely back a plot to overturn equal marriage, just days before telling the lesbian journalist he would “move forward” on LGBT rights.
When challenged on the contradiction in a third interview, Trump attempted to maintain both contradicting views simultaneously.
He promised evangelicals last month: “I think [evangelicals] can trust me on traditional marriage.”