Mara Wilson appears in gender-flipped American Psycho remake (VIDEO)

Mara Wilson has been busy of late, coming out of the closet, and now appearing in a remake of a famed scene from the film American Psycho.
In wake of the Orlando massacre which left 49 dead and 53 injured, Wilson – best known as the childhood star of Roald Dahl adaptation Matilda – spoke about her own sexuality.
Sharing a photo of her younger self, she said: “Me at a gay club when I was eighteen. I feel embarrassed looking at it now… being a “straight girl” where I clearly didn’t belong, but I will say, I felt so welcomed.
“I have never had a better experience at a club than I did then. Great music and people. And one of my friends met his partner that night!”.
She continued: “But the LGBTQ community has always felt like home, especially a few years later when I, uh, learned something about myself.
“I *used* to identify as mostly straight. I’ve embraced the Bi/Queer label lately.”
Referring to the Kinsey scale – which ranges from 0 (exclusively straight) to 6 (exclusively gay) she said: “Let me put it this way: I’m a 2.”
She has now appeared in the remake of the iconic ‘business card’ scene from American Psycho.
The characters from the Christian Bale classic are all played by women in this “gender-flipped” version.
The Vimeo page for this version reads: “SWAPPED takes influential movie scenes and recreates them with the genders reversed. The first recreation we filmed is the scene that inspired countless numbers of Wall Street bros to spruce up their business cards. Enjoy SWAPPED: AMERICAN PSYCHO and join the conversation on twitter by using #SWAPPED.”
The star last year weighed into a debate surrounding criticism of the Stonewall film, taking aim at director Roland Emmerich, suggesting that he reduced the real-life events to just including “fit, white, gay men”.
Check it out below:
SWAPPED: American Psycho from Dani Leonard on Vimeo.