This heartbreaking film shows the real danger same-sex couples can face just for a kiss

A new short film released for Pride in Madrid shows the real danger same-sex couples can face just for kissing in public.
The film ‘Por Un Beso’, or For a Kiss, was released to coincide with Madrid Pride.
It shows the growing romances of a budding relationship.
While the two men happen to meet twice in one day, they gradually form a relationship and appear to be planning to move in together.
But the end has a tragic reminder to the hate that can be drawn from public displays of affection between same-sex couples.
Speaking to El Pais, the film’s director David Velduque said: “I invested [in the film] because I think it is very necessary to not forget that the rights for which the LGTBI community has fought have been very difficult to achieve. It is very important not to forget that continued visibility, awareness and education is key to achieving a society where love is not penalised.”
As well as coinciding with Madrid Pride, the film also was released as a tribute to the victims of the Orlando Pulse mass shooting which killed 49 and injured 53.
It was made in collaboration with Shangay, a Spanish gay magazine, and features actors Pelayo Rocal and Fernando Hevia.
Watch it below:
As thousands took to the streets of London last weekend, two policemen got engaged, bringing the parade to a standstill.
23-year-old PC Sam Philpot proposed to his colleague and partner, PC Martin Coughlan, during the London Pride parade on Saturday.
ince the picture and video were tweeted by the Met, a number of trolls have taken to Twitter to attack the proposal.
One called the proposal “sick”, and another an “abomination”.
Earlier this week the Metropolitan Police Chief vowed to keep Pride in London safe – as extra officers were drafted in for security following the Pulse shooting.