‘Straight, white, male Christians are the most oppressed in today’s society’, claims radio host (LISTEN)

Michael Savage made the claim during a bizarre outburst, in which also dismissed accusations of rape and sexual harassment.
Speaking on his show – The Savage Nation – the outspoken radio host began by dismissing claims of sexual harassment made by women.
Savage – real name is Michael Alan Weiner – goes on to defend the men accused in sexual harassment lawsuits, comparing them to dissidents who face persecution in communist countries, such as North Korea.
He also attacked US presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, mocking “the myth of the poor, downtrodden woman” he says is destroying America.
“What’s this nonsense about ‘oppressed this, oppressed that’?” he bellowed.
“The most oppressed member of society, as I’ve said before and I’m willing to stand by this again – the most ridiculed, the most oppressed member of society today is the straight, heterosexual, white, male Christians! Period!”
Earlier this year, the conspiracy nut advocated suggested liberals were to blame for Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia’s death – a theory partly supported by Donald Trump.
On homosexuality, Savage once said: “The gay and lesbian mafia wants our children. If it can win their souls and their minds, it knows their bodies will follow.”
Another of his pet topics is autism, which he claims is a result of “brats” without fathers.
He has also made comments about killing Muslims, although in one broadcast he cited extremists’ desires to execute gays as a reason for deporting them.
Savage was banned from the UK in 2009 by former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, who said he was “likely to cause inter-community tension or even violence if that person were allowed into the country”.
Of the banning, the new foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, wrote: “America still has a constitutional protection of free speech, and I have been amazed to see how few people in this country are willing to stick up for that elementary principle.
“A country once famous for free speech is now hysterically and expensively sensitive to anything that could be taken as a slight.”
Listen to his latest rant here: