Drag Queen Storytime founder defiant in face of threat to ‘cut him up and throw him into the river’

Aida H Dee is the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour UK. (George Tyler Photography)
The founder of Drag Queen Storytime was threatened with being “cut up and thrown into the River Mersey” if they were to return to Liverpool to read to children and their families.
Aida H Dee – Sab Samuel when they’re not performing – was intending on travelling to Dorothy’s Diner in the UK city’s Pride Quarter to read one of their books about bullying.
However, following Dee’s since-deleted social media announcement, which was reportedly flooded with disgusting threats and transphobic hate, the venue has cancelled the event.
The performer told the Echo: “It blew up and there were hundreds of hate comments. It was disgusting and hateful. One message threatened to cut me up into pieces and throw me into the river.
“I’ve been to Liverpool before – just a few months ago I was there for the UK’s Pride Organisers Network conference and I got shown around the city. So I wasn’t expecting this from Liverpool, a place that has such a diverse, inclusive and queer scene.
“It does scare me but there isn’t a chance in hell that I wouldn’t perform because of the haters or because of threats,” they said.
A spokesperson for the diner told the outlet: “Unfortunately even though very popular we have decided to cancel Drag Queen Storytime. We are very concerned about some of the comments towards this event.
“The safety of our staff and customers is our top priority. Here at Dorothy’s Diner, we will always try and bring the best entertainment to Liverpool. All tickets will be refunded and we will offer all parents who have booked a free meal with their children.”
Merseyside Police are also aware of the incident and are said to be investigating.
This, unfortunately, isn’t the first threat that Dee has received. The drag artist shared a chilling screenshot of a message they received on Instagram calling them an “ugly pervert” and threatened with a “mallet through the skull“.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of hate crime, call Galop on 0800 999 5428 Monday to Thursday 10 am-8 pm and on Friday 10 am-4pm or email [email protected] any time. In an emergency, always call 999.
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