Police phoned on Delta plane after passenger felt ‘uncomfortable’ being sat next to gay rapper Mykki Blanco

Delta airlines phone the police on gay rapper Mykki Blanco after a passenger sat next to the singer complained about their appearance.
Blanco, real name Michael Quattlebaum Jr, was flying from Toronto to Detroit when the passenger sat next to them had the airline phone the police.
The musician was reportedly asleep on the flight for the duration, until they woke up to find that the police had been called.
The passenger reportedly said that he was “not comfortable” and did not know how Delta “allowed someone like me (Blanco) to board the plane with him and sit next to him.”
Blanco tweeted about the experience yesterday evening.
Police allegedly warned Blanco would go to jail if they asked questions about why the police officer was giving “preferential treatment” to the passenger who complained.
An officer also allegedly said an FBI report would be made from the interaction.
Blanco use the social platform to reach out to Delta and ask them to provide proof that they slept through the entire flight.
They called the incident “the most bizarre form of homophobia I have ever encountered”.
Fans of the musician fled to their defence and criticised Delta for having the police called.
A fan wrote: “Mykki Blanco shouldn’t be trending from homophobia. they should be trending because their music is tight as fuck.”
“This is insane Mykki I’m so sorry this happened,” Natasha Lyonne, from Orange is The New Black, wrote.
Blanco recently hit out at YouTube after a music video was taken down for failing to meet the “community guidelines.”
Blanco took to twitter to defend the video and accused YouTube of censoring queer sexuality because it “does not fit with heterosexual standard of beauty.”