Anti-gay marriage chief wants kids’ TV to ban kisses

A leading anti-gay marriage campaigner has claimed that kissing is “sexual content” and should not be shown to children.
In news that will stun anyone who ever watched TV as a child, Karina Okotel of Australia’s ‘No’ to same-sex marriage campaign suggested that seeing kissing traumatises children.
The anti-gay marriage campaign chief, the Vice President of the Liberal Party, dug herself into a hole after making a spurious claim that equal marriage would lead to kids being forced to suffer same-sex kissing in the media.
According to Huffington Post, she claimed at a press launch: “When parents complained about a picture book shown to children with a same-sex couple kissing, the school said they’ll continue to read the books.”

Asked by reporters to explain specifically what was wrong with same-sex kissing, Ms Okotel swiftly altered her statement – claiming she actually wants to ban all kissing in media.
She said: “My issue with images like two people kissing, whether they be of the same sex or opposite sexes is that I believe it should be up to a parent to decide when their child is exposed to sexualised content.
“That, to my mind, is sexualised content.
“I wouldn’t be happy with my children in the early years of primary school being read books with people kissing in it.
“That’s my right as a parent to be able to choose when my child is exposed to that.”
We can only assume she’s never let her kids watch a Disney film.
Trigger warning, Karina:
In conclusion, vote to deny gay people the right to marry, because wouldn’t it be horrible if people were allowed to kiss in the media?
We can only imagine.
Related – WARNING FOR PARENTS: Disney is pushing a Heterosexual Agenda on your kids