Teenager brutally murdered ‘by lesbian ex-lover in Satanic ritual’

A teenager was brutally hacked to death in a Satanic ritual, police have said.
18-year-old student Nadine Esterhuizen was found dead next to a cup of blood in her sister’s kitchen in Western Cape Province in South Africa.
Her reported ex-girlfriend, Corrine Jackson, 20, has been arrested.
Corrine Jackson, 20, accused of stabbing to death her lesbian lover Nadine Esterhuizen, 18. She staged the crime scene as a ritual murder ️ pic.twitter.com/BKOqE1PyRG
— Joey G. Mueller (@JoeyGMueller) October 9, 2017
Nadine’s body was lying in a pool of blood, her sister has revealed.
The word ‘sorry’ was spelled out on the floor nearby using Nadine’s hair, she said.
Jackson had been legally stopped from contacting the high school student after Nadine’s family took out an injunction against her.
She was found holding a knife in a locked toilet on the premises.
Jackson was reportedly obsessed with Nadine, who was staying with her sister in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, over the school holidays.
Her sister, 29, who has asked not to be named, said the killing was part of a devil worship ritual.
“My fiancé said he knocked but there was no answer, and then asked a tenant on the same property for an extra set of keys,” she told local media.
“He said when he opened the door, he saw my sister lying in a pool of blood.”

She described the horrific scene, saying: “There was a cup filled with blood, we do not know whose blood it was.
“There was also hair in the cup.
“Strands of hair were used to write the word ‘sorry’.”
She also alleged that Jackson pretended to be Nadine by using her phone to respond to a series of WhatsApp messages while the victim lay dead in the kitchen.
Jackson has been charged with murder, and is in custody at a prison hospital after her family requested that she received psychiatric treatment.
Nadine’s sister said the injunction was taken out against Jackson after she fractured Nadine’s skull in July.
Jackson also threw Nadine’s mobile phone into the ocean during that alleged attack.