Amber Rudd backs legislation to allow both parents’ names on wedding certificates
Amber Rudd has said “it is about time” that both parents’ names are included on wedding certificates in a bid proposal to add the names of both parents to the certificates.
Ministers have backed proposals to review the “outdated” legislation which means that only a father’s name is included on a child’s wedding certificate.
Although the measure will ensure that mothers in heterosexual relationships will be included on certificates if the proposals by the Home Office go ahead, it will also mean that lesbian, bisexual and gay parents can see their names included on the document
“A marriage is not just a major event for the couple but also in the life of any parent – and it is only right that all parents have the opportunity to have their names included on marriage certificates,” said the Home Secretary Amber Rudd to The i.
“The current legislation which only allows for fathers’ names is completely outdated and does not reflect modern Britain.
“There are around 250,000 marriages every year. It is about time that there are equal rights and recognition when it comes to registering a child’s marriage,” she added.
The rule will see the changes come into action in England and Wales.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland, the names of both parents are already included on the certificates.
Now that the bill has government backing, it will be expected to pass shortly.
This will make it the first update to marriage registrations in 181 years.
The last legislation, The Marriage Act 1836, allowed couples to marry in non-religious buildings.
Theresa May’s government have also noted that the legislation would be a cost-saving measure.
As the data could be stored in a single electronic register, the Home Office says the legislation could result in savings of £33.8m over 10 years.