World Series protesters unveil pro-trans banner

A banner with the words ‘Trans People Deserve to Live’ is displayed during Game Five of the 2018 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox. (Sean M. Haffey/Getty)
Protesters against the Trump administration’s anti-trans policies unveiled a giant transgender flag at a World Series game on Sunday (October 28).
During the fifth inning of the baseball game, a giant transgender flag bearing the message: “Trans people deserve to live” was draped over the side of the stands.
The Major League showdown between the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Dodgers at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles was the last match in a five-game series.

Game Five of the 2018 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox at Dodger Stadium on October 28, 2018 (Ezra Shaw/Getty)
The protest was a response to reports that the Trump administration is set to adopt an aggressive new anti-transgender policy, barring legal recognition of trans people by redefining legal gender as a person’s fixed “biological sex” at birth.
The President has personally defended the policy despite resistance from within his own administration.
TransLatin@ Coalition, an LA-based activist group which says it works “to ensure the voices of Trans Latin@s are heard,” claimed responsibility for the protest.

A banner with the words ‘Trans People Deserve to Live’ is displayed during Game Five of the 2018 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox. (Sean M. Haffey/Getty)
Two protesters from the group, Maria Roman and Bamby Salcedo, filmed themselves on Facebook Live as they made their way to the front of the stand to drape the giant banner over the side.
The banner remained in place for several minutes before security guards arrived to remove the activists from the venue.

Maria Roman and Bamby Salcedo (TransLatin@ Coalition)
TransLatin@ Coalition CEO Bamby Salcedo told Grindr-owned outlet Into: “I hope that this action will motivate members of the trans community, our allies and our comrades to really activate and to really understand that we have power.
“We can demonstrate our power anywhere and everywhere.”
Salcedo added to the LA Blade: “People must understand that Trans people are part of our society.
“Our message tonight was to let the world know that we as Trans people deserve to be humanized, acknowledged and valued. We are claiming our righteous space in society.”
The banner was not visible during the TV coverage, aired by FOX.
President Trump had tweeted about watching the previous game in the series.
During the fourth game, he wrote: “Watching the Dodgers/Red Sox [game]. It is amazing how a manager takes out a pitcher who is loose & dominating through almost 7 innings, Rich Hill of Dodgers, and brings in nervous reliever(s) who get shellacked. 4 run lead gone. Managers do it all the time, big mistake.”
The reports of Trump’s anti-trans policy proposal has been met with legal threats from both the American Civil Liberties Union and LGBT+ civil rights organisation Lambda Legal, who have vowed to launch immediate legal action against the Trump administration if the policy is ever enacted.
In a separate court brief last week, the Trump administration argued that it should be legal for businesses to discriminate against transgender employees.
DOJ officials filed a brief to the Supreme Court on October 24, arguing against discrimination protections for transgender employees on the basis of sex. The brief contends that businesses have a right to enforce uniform requirements based on “biological sex,” forcing transgender women to present as male or face dismissal.