Deadmau5 deletes Twitch account after ‘c**k-sucking fag’ rant

Deadmau5 hit out at Twitch for suspending him (Eugene Gologursky/Getty)
Deadmau5 has deleted his Twitch account after he was banned from the streaming platform for calling his gaming opponent a “f**king c**k-sucking stream sniper fag.”
The Canadian “Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff” DJ, whose real name is Joel Zimmerman, reportedly made the comment after dying in online battle royale game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, according to EDM news site Your EDM.
Twitch banned the 38-year-old music producer for breaking the service’s rules around hate speech, leading him to remove his account and defend the outburst on Reddit.
Twitch has banned @deadmau5 for ‘hate speech’ for using a homophobic slur against a stream sniper in PUBG.
In a response on Reddit, deadmau5 says he will likely no longer partner with or stream on Twitch due to the platform’s double standards on censorship and suspensions.
— Rod Breslau (@Slasher) February 13, 2019
In a since-deleted statement reported by esports journalist Rod Breslau, Deadmau5 criticised Twitch for suspending him.
He also furiously refused to apologise for his foul-mouthed tirade, which he insisted should not be viewed as hate speech.
Deadmau5 hits out at Twitch over suspension
The Grammy-nominated DJ wrote that he was “not going to stand for Twitch’s double standard when it comes to censoring and suspending tat for harmless s**t.”
He added that his rant “was intended to insult a f**kin asshat who was being a f**king asshat… it wasn’t ‘directed at an entire group of people who have a sexual orientation that differs from my own’ f**k off with that s**t.
“I know who I am, and I don’t have to f**king sit here and cry and defend my f**king self with the obligatory “I’M NOT THAT PERSON, I AM SORRY” reflex.
“If I’m sorry for anything, I’m sorry that we live in a world where bottom-feeding pieces of s**t can sit there staring at a monitor… and just waiting for someone to get tilted so he can get a few f**king clicks.
“That’s what it’s [sic] sorry for,” Deadmau5 continued.
“The sane people who knew that it was in the heat of the moment knew the purpose of the statement, and the people that think otherwise, I’m better off not even f**king knowing and they can just keep way the f**k clear of me.”
Deadmau5 has been criticised for anti-gay remarks before
Deadmau5 apologised last year after he was slammed for using “homophobic and transphobic” slurs during a heated Twitter argument about his mouse helmet.
He lashed out on Twitter after people made fun of his signature headgear, which he wears for DJ sets, telling one user: “I’ll bet you suck a guy off for 40 grand ZERO f**king questions asked.”
After he was criticised for this comment, he hit back, tweeting: “it just illustrates the obvious f**king point here. women don’t possess penises. you’ll find out when you’re older.”
He eventually apologised for the remarks, tweeting: “I wasn’t trying to make blatant transphobic statements, just got into a heated arguement [sic] with some dude online said something dumb and the internet took it way into somewhere unintended.
“I’ve since deleted the tweets, I’m not that kind of person. My apologies.”