Anti-LGBT+ author Judith Reisman, who said homosexuals caused the rise of the Nazi party, dies aged 85

Judith Reisman. (YouTube/ BookTV)
Notorious anti-LGBT+ author Judith Reisman, who has blamed “homosexuals” for the rise of the Nazi party and the Holocaust, has died aged 85.
Reisman spent her three-decade career on a relentless campaign against long-dead sex researcher Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute which he founded.
Kinsey, the biology professor who invented the Kinsey Scale, was a key figure in LGBT+ history and was the first person in the scientific community to consider that there was more to sex and attraction than just heterosexuality and homosexuality.
But Reisman, who has often been described as the “founder of the modern anti-Kinsey movement” believed that the researcher was responsible for everything from pornography, to sexual assault, and even claimed, without evidence, that he was a paedophile.
Vehemently anti-LGBT+, Reisman was a supporter of conspiracy theorist Scott Lively’s book The Pink Swastika, which blames gay people for the Holocaust.
The author, who had a PhD in communications yet was a visiting law professor at the anti-LGBT+ Liberty University, wrote multiple bizarre research papers, with titles like Kinsey, Sex and Fraud and ‘Soft Porn’ Plays Hardball.
In one, she claimed that homosexual “recruitment techniques” rival those of the Marine Corps. In another, according to The New Yorker, Reisman wrote that the Nazi Party and the Holocaust were created by “the German homosexual movement”.
Judith Reisman compared GLSEN to the “Hitler Youth”.
In a 2009 column for WND, Judith Reisman described the LGBT+ organisation GLSEN, which protects LGBT+ kids from bullying, “as a modern version of the Hitler Youth and as preparing the ground for a larger, sweeping, schoolroom Youth Brigade”.
More recently, in 2013, Reisman insisted that allowing gay volunteers, members and staff in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) would lead to communism, and would “literally” put the scouts “up for grabs” to “sexual predators”.
She said at the time: “It’s really interesting Dr Kinsey himself was an Eagle Scout and he had groups of younger boys in his tent that he did reports on and he was the guy who wrote to the Boy Scouts to insist that their prohibition against masturbatory activity was just foolish, it was not grounded in anything at all sensible and we ought to get rid of it in their manual.
“And they did, thanked him and got rid of it in their manual.
“Of course that’s always been one means, one very important way for men to seduce boys, is to get them into that situation and to move in on them so to speak.”
Despite her lack of qualifications, in 2014 she was called as an “expert witness” to argue that gay sex should remain illegal in Jamaica, in a court case that sought to repeal the country’s anti-sodomy law. Unfortunately, the law has still not been repealed.