Man introduces new boyfriend to parents. Turns out, they’d already had a threesome

The bisexual man had a threesome with his boyfriend’s parents 10 years ago. (Envato)
A gay man was left “mortified” after he discovered that his parents had a threesome with his boyfriend.
Writing to Dan Savage’s sex advice column Savage Love, the man, who identified himself as “I Knew He Was Into Blonds”, wrote: “I’m a 24-year-old gay man with a 31-year-old bi boyfriend.
“I’ve known since we got together that he’s a lot more sexually experienced than I am, but it’s never been a big deal before now. This weekend, he met my parents for what we thought would be the first time.”
Although meeting your other half’s parents is often awkward, it’s rarely as awkward as this.
He continued: “It turns out that 10 years ago, during his ‘big bi slut phase’ (his words), they had a threesome.
“I recognise that no one did anything wrong—they were three consenting adults – and it’s not like anyone could’ve known that he and I would get together in the future.
“But also, my boyfriend f**ked my parents!”
The man added that everyone in the situation was “mortified” and that he “may never be able to look at” his parents again, and begged Savage for advice on how to get past the sticky situation.
Dan Savage thanked the man for helping his realise that after “writing Savage Love for almost thirty years… I can still be surprised”.
He added: “If couples in their forties with teenage children at home are gonna have threesomes with guys in their twenties – and some are – there will always be a hard-to-quantify-but-nevertheless-ineliminable risk that their children, once grown, could wind up meeting and f**king and even falling in love with one of the guys their parents had a threesome with back in the day.”
Savage revealed that he had been so lost for advice to give the man, he had taken to Twitter to ask his followers for help.
Bizarrely, one of those who responded was Betsy Hodges, the former mayor of Minneapolis.
Savage explained: “I didn’t have the faintest idea what to tell you. Betsy Hodges, on the other hand, knew exactly what to say.”
Her advice read: “If they’ve been able to laugh about this, that’s a good sign.
“It might be a while before he can look at his boyfriend and not think about his parents having sex. That’s a tough thing to navigate, but laughter helps.”
Hodges said that the four of them should have a conversion about what happened and how to move on, adding: “Having that conversation — which I know sounds dreadful — could actually help them think about this less, especially if they get to a point where they can laugh about the insanity and awkwardness of the situation they’ve all found themselves in.”
Savage, on the other hand, gave some more blunt advice: “You can laugh about this until you pass out, IKHWIB, but if you can’t suck your boyfriend’s c**k without thinking about your dad sucking your boyfriend’s c**k, you may not be able to get past this.”