Gay school group stand up to homophobia

A lobby group campaigning for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality in schools has launched a petition asking the BBC Board of Governors to reconsider their recent decision to dismiss complaints about Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles’ derogatory use of the word ‘gay’ on his Radio 1 Breakfast show.
The BBC recognised Moyles’ comments may have caused offence, after he called a ring tone “gay,” but said the use of the word to mean “lame” or “rubbish” was widespread amongst young people, promoting accusations that the station was condoning homophobia.
Schools Out is now seeking support to get the BBC Board of Governors to reconsider their decision, and keep the word “gay” positive, a group statement said: “The widely accepted use of the word ‘gay’ by young British people to mean anything without value, or substandard must be challenged, otherwise it will help fuel a culture of acceptance around homophobia.
“If you want to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, then stand up against this homophobia. Please add your name to a growing list of individuals who want to stamp out homophobia in all its forms at all levels. You will make a difference.
“For all the individuals, their friends, and families, who have ever suffered a homophobe’s arsenal of abuse; the ‘faggots’ and ‘queers’ and ‘poofs’ and ‘ponces’ and ‘dykes’ and ‘sissy boys’ and ‘batty boys’ and ‘gaylords’ and ‘gay boys’ and ‘lessies’ and ‘lesbos’, and for all those invested in a world free of prejudice, let us make sure that the meaning of the word ‘gay’ is not inverted, but remains a positive term that describes how people choose to define their sexuality.”
It can be found at or on the Schools Out website.
MPs recently called on the BBC in an Early Day Motion to make its staff more aware of “casual homophobia.”