Afternoon cruising in local park angers residents

A local community park in Newcastle is suffering because the numbers of cruising gays visiting the area.
Exhibition park, refered to as “X park” on the internet, has become a popular venue for gay cruising with people visiting the area to meet others looking for carefree sex in the afternoon.
People living in the area have given up going to the park at night, according to the Evening Chronicle.
Police have responded by promising to monitor the area for any indecent activity.
“It’s not nice at night,” a local resident told the local press, “we never come here then.”
“There are always people in the bushes. You can hear them, or so I’ve been told.”
A reporter for the Evening Chronicle was approached and propositioned by a man near a children’s playground as early as 3.10pm.
Although a councillor for the area admitted having not heard of the problem, locals in the area around the park are fully aware of cruisers visiting the park to hook up with each other.
The park’s popularity with cruisers has outraged the local community who feel they can no longer visit the park in the evening.
“We know Gosforth Park is not very safe at night,” said another local resident, “if it is becoming famous for the wrong reasons then the council and police should do something about it.”
The local police have promised to do their best by cutting back bushes and closing the park toilets at night.
Sergeant Ian Boath, of the Northumbria neighbourhood policing team, told reporters “anyone taking part (cruising), or thinking about taking part, is reminded it is classed as indecent exposure and outraging public decency. Anyone caught doing so will be arrested.”
A spokesperson for Newcastle City Council urged those taking part in such activities to look for “more appropriate choices.”