Christian lobby group warns Californians of “dangerous” gay law

The head of a conservative lobbyist group in California warned the listeners of his daily radio show that America’s children will be delivered “straight into the arms of the homosexual activist community” unless California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes a quartet of pro-gay bills.
Focus on the Family Action chairman James Dobson said that the four pieces of legislation, SB 1437, SB 1441, AB 1056 and AB 606, would all forbid critical or biblically based discussion of homosexuality in some part of the public sector.
According to Focus Action, the most dangerous bill is SB 1437, which would ban any instructional materials or public school activities that “reflect adversely” on gays, lesbians, bisexuals or transsexuals.
“They’ve planted a flag in every public school in the state,” Mr Dobson said of California gay activists in his broadcast. “If these bills are signed into law, who knows what the liberal courts in California will be able to make out of this in the years to come? There goes the next generation of children straight into the arms of the homosexual activist community.”
The Focus Action asserts that bill SB 1441 is also “potentially dangerous.” SB 1441 would forbid any organization that receives government funding from portraying homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality in a negative light.
Mr Dobson and his guests, including Focus Action senior vice president of government and public policy Tom Minnery, pointed out that the ramifications of Mr Schwarzenegger signing this bill could impede a church’s ability to get police or fire protection from a city if the pastor preaches from Romans 1 about the biblical view of homosexuality.
Mr Dobson called on all listeners, not just those who live in California, to call and e-mail Mr Schwarzenegger in the next few days and demand he veto these bills.
Although the governor indicated weeks ago he at least would veto SB 1437, he has since “waffled,” Mr according to Dobson.
“[Schwarzenegger’s] trying to keep the support of the homosexual community in California,” Dobson said. “He’s trying to have it both ways. If people don’t hit him hard in the next two or three days we’re going to see this legislation and perhaps the other three bills the law of the land. He has good reason for listening to people this time of the year.”
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