Minister demands gay pride exodus from Jerusalem

Israeli government ministers have thwarted new plans for a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) ‘Pride and Tolerance’ march in Jerusalem.
The Minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Yaakov Edri, told Jerusalem Open House (JOH) who were organising the march, to hold the gay pride parade outside of the capital city.
No reason for the request has been issued as yet, Ynetnews reports.
The news has come as a blow to JOH, who have been awaiting an outcome on permit approval from the police and Jerusalem municipality.
A new date for the march had only just been publicised after the initial march, scheduled to take place in August, was postponed due to the current situation in the region.
The revised date for the parade has been set for 21st September and was agreed now that the city’s security was considered safe enough for the protest to go ahead.
Organisers say that due to the increase in anti-gay feeling in the area, this years’ march will play a more significant and major role in the ongoing struggle to promote the rights of the LGBT community in Jerusalem.
The government intervention is in spite of a ruling in May this year when the district court in Jerusalem ruled that it is illegal for the Jerusalem municipality to discriminate against the LGBT community.
JOH Chairman Noa Sattath has responded to Mr Edri saying that gay groups are still determined to hold the parade in Jerusalem as planned.