Boy George confronts homophobic “chavs”

Homophobia is unacceptable and should be stopped whenever and wherever, advice that gay singer Boy George took quite literally last night when he confronted a gang of homophobes at the Vodafone Live Music Awards.
The artist was being interviewed by journalists when a group of teenagers began shouting homophobic abuse at him.
The footage, caught by ITN shows overzealous kids jumping and banging at the door heckling the star.
Not one to steer clear of controversy, he walked up to the glass doors and called the boys “chavs” while threatening to knock them out.
Boy George refused to be insulted and retaliated by walking towards them shouting, “I know I’m a queer. Shut your mouth ’til I knock you out.”
As they continued he quipped, “bend over and be quiet.”
Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?: Boy George fumes