THT opens youth sexual health clinic

A new sexual health clinic has opened in London for young people under 25.
The Mortimer Market Centre has opened a new clinic to provide a sexual health testing treatment service for young people aged 25 and under.
The clinic is based at Terrence Higgins Trust, 314 Gray’s Inn Rd, London.
The service is open on Tuesdays from 930am till 4pm and up to 18 young people per week will be able to access the full range of sexual health and contraceptive services including:
Visitors will be able to have screening and treatment for STIs, HIV testing and will also be able to attend discussion groups and pick up free condoms as well as advice and support information.
The service will be walk-in with no appointments and there will be slots for 10 males and slots for 8 females per day.
Kelvin Julian THT’s Sexual Health outreach coordinator for young people in Camden will also be holding Sex and Relationship Education sessions which will run parallel to the clinic appointments.
The 30 minute sessions will be on a one to one basis and focused on contraception and sexual health. Content of the sessions will include condom demonstrations, contraception and emergency contraception advice, information on sexually transmitted infections and HIV transmission.