Police react to “malicious” campaign

PinkNews.co.uk Exclusive
Anti-gay preacher and religious sect leader Stephen Green has been blacklisted by police forces across the country.
The move comes after a sustained campaign by the Christian Voice National Director against gay people in the police, which officers say is escalating to unacceptable levels.
The Freedom of Information Act Unit, which monitors all police requests, has ordered all chief constables to avoid replying to the “malicious” and “discriminatory” requests from Mr Green.
Added to this, Peter Fahy, the Chairman of Race and Diversity Business Areas for The Association of Chief Police Officers, has sent a letter to all members asking officers not to enter into any more communication with either Mr Green or Christian Voice.
In the last six months almost all of the 43 forces in the country have been targeted by Mr Green. Recent requests have asked for statistics of homosexual recruits and justification for the recruiting of gay officers. He has used the Freedom of Information Act to validate his demands.
The Pink News has learnt that at least one force has previously handed over this information, even though it is prohibited under the Act to supply data thought to be intended for malicious use.
One letter, from a source known as “Fred” attempted to further demonise the gay community by asking how many gay officers had contracted AIDS. Vic Codling, national coordinator for the Gay Police Association believes Mr Green and “Fred” are the same person. He called the requests “despicable.”
Mr Green’s requests are just one example of many actions he has taken against the gay community; he has also used Biblical quotes to condemn homosexuality as “vile”.
He has also attacked hate crime reporting methods like True Vision, calling it “politically incorrect.” This year Mr Green attended Europride London and Brighton Pride, calling for gay pride-goers to be arrested for indecency.
Last year he led a 60,000 strong petition against the BBC over Jerry Springer The Opera. Despite this, the BBC invited him onto its Question Time panel in 2005, leading to demonstrations in Brighton where the programme was recorded.
Despite the blacklisting, Mr Green remains defiant. On his website, he vows to attend next year’s Cardiff Mardi Gras and other gay pride events and says he is praying for a thousand supporters to follow him in his cause.
He told The Pink News, “Standing up for righteousness is what we do.”
This article first appeared in the November issue of The Pink News which is out now.