Record compensation after sacked for being gay

Two nurses who won a record six-figure compensation claim after they were sacked because of their sexuality have still not received their compensation.
The two were wrongfully accused of allowing the physical and sexual abuse of residents at a care centre.
An employment tribunal later found them innocent of any wrongdoing, and slated Barchester Healthcare for sexual orientation discrimination.
Barchester Healthcare, which has an annual turnover of £330 million, lost its appeal against the ruling six weeks ago but has still not paid the couple.
Ms Durman said that as a result of the allegations both of them have suffered panic attacks and needed counselling.
The tribunal said that if the original complaint against the pair, who were employed at Kernow House in Launceston, Cornwall, had been investigated properly “it would have revealed no possible cause for concern.”
The original allegation against the two nurses was made anonymously.
A two-day disciplinary hearing was held by management at Barchester where Ms Durman was found guilty of four charges against her, and Ms Smith guilty of two. That ruling has now been overturned.
Ms Durman told The Daily Mail: “This has ruined our lives – both our professional lives and our private lives.
“We have had no apology from Barchester Healthcare. The tribunal report was so damning and the only conclusion that they could come to was the dismissal was based on discrimination.”