Comment: Ex-gay journalist answers his critics

Earlier this week reported on Michael Glatze, an award-winning gay journalist and activist who announced he is now an ex-gay.
The founder of Young Gay America magazine and recipient of the National Role Model Award from leading gay rights organisation Equality Forum has contacted to put his side of the story.
Here we reproduce his thoughts on the true nature of homosexuality.
To My Friends Who Are Trapped In Homosexuality
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your kind comments and keen observations regarding my story and my revelation about no longer being homosexual and now being heterosexual.
I thank you for the time that you have spent in considering this issue, deeply, and with great passion. God loves you.
God is right there, within you, whether you like to see Him or not. Can you humble yourself to Him?
It’s a really nice feeling. I know that, in some small way, you want to.
We all do. We don’t like being separated from our Father; it makes us sad and lonely, forcing us to be angry, to act out, to get vulgar… well, I won’t go on; many of you have already demonstrated, on your blog comments, exactly what I’m talking about.
God loves you, Yes! He does! And, He wants you to be free from homosexuality. God made us men and women.
Think about that; you could – really – be a man or a woman! Not a strange creature… but, real! That’s awesome…
Change is very difficult and takes a lot of inner strength. Do you have that strength?
I promise you that the Gay Identity does not exist, that it is a fabrication of mankind (look it up, if you don’t believe me), and that you are not “trapped” in same-sex-orientation.
To believe that you are Gay is to be stupid.
I’m sorry, if that sounds cruel; it’s not cruel.
To believe that you are a false identity, created by man, unnaturally, to participate in social engineering, is to be stupid.
It’s not the acts, as much as it is the Identity.
No one ever told you that, before, because they wanted to feed you with the lie that homosexuality is a set thing.
Any intelligent “homosexual” knows there’s no fixed Gay Identity. If you don’t believe me, ask the theorists or “intellectuals.”
Gay Identity has been packaged and fed to you, and – if you believe yourself to be “Gay” – you have eaten it, preventing you from further growth and understanding of your true and real self.
Coming out from under this packaged lie requires strong self-confidence and will and desire to know the Truth.
Yes, Truth is capitalised. It is that way for a reason. There is only one Truth.
That one Truth is the fact that you are beautiful, perfect, and glorious, in the image of He who created you – God.
There is only one God. I know it may be hard for you to get your head around the paradoxical nature of God, but, He is everywhere “out there” and – at the same time – right inside your soul.
He sees and knows you. He loves you.
He wants you to be free of homosexuality. I promise you that.
He’s rooting for you; He knows you can do it.
Remember, He loves you! He’s not judging you – those angry voices in your mind, planted there by Satan, might scream and judge and ridicule – but, no; He’s not judging you. He has patience.
He’ll give you strength. All you have to do is pray to Him.
Prayer and love – True Love, my dear friends – requires total humility. Can you do that?
I know, in my heart, that all homosexuals desire to be free.
It is a new world, one in which the lie will not stand much longer. The tide is turning. Be not afraid! It’s a good change! Jesus will come.
And, when that day happens, will you be – truly – yourself!
Or, will you be a demon, trapped in a fabrication not your own, lusting and hating and destroying your soul to hell?
Consider this one last thing: all the love you may believe you feel for yourself or for someone else, while trapped in the homosexual mindset, is a grain of sand on the beach of the love that you could feel.
Healing is possible. When you choose to go there, you know who to call on for help. His name is Jesus Christ.
Michael Glatze