Transport for London reaches out to LGBT travellers

The body responsible for public transport in London is inviting its gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans customers to take part in a consultation exercise.
Transport for London’s (TfL) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual (LGB) Equality Scheme aims to enhance equality in the provision of transport services and for employees within the organisation.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) Staff Network Group are working with Group Equality and Inclusion to develop TfL’s first LGB Equality Scheme.
TfL’s LGB Equality Scheme will set out the organisation’s key priorities to ensure that its services and employment practices support sexual orientation equality in London and tackle discrimination faced by LGB people.
A consultation event, aimed at key stakeholders and the LGBT community in London, will explore the issues affecting service users with a view to establishing the priorities.
These may include experiences of using TfL services, attitudes towards safety and security, views on TfL customer service and ideas for TfL information provision and communications.
This event will take place on Wednesday, 3rd October from 6pm, at the Thistle Hotel, Charing Cross, The Strand, WC2.
TfL are keen to explore how they can help with issues such as hate crime, barriers to using the transport services and issues that affect LGBT users of the transport system.
People not from London but who visit regularly or have used the transport system are welcome to take part in the consultation event.
To find out more about this event then please contact : [email protected] (please include LGB Scheme/Thistle Hotel in your subject header) or dial 0207 126 4787.