First gay Somali website launched

A website aimed at improving communication between Somalian gay men has now gone live.
The site, the first of its kind for the Muslim East African nation, is aimed at the UK Somalian gay community and it is hoped that it will reach those who feel trapped in the homophobic country and show that there are others like them.
A spokesperson for the site,, told “It is a shame that we are still confronted with so much hate and discrimination for the fact that we are gay, but I believe the only way to overcome this is by educating ourselves and others and having a website like this will play such an important role.” is meant to act as a contact and information point for what he feels is a community “in a state of limbo”, due to not being attached to the Somali community in the UK or the mainstream gay community.
He says that the vitriolic responses written by some people on the website have been “really shocking.”
“I think these people should be respectful of the countries they are in and not say such things.”
Some visitors to the site have called it “disgusting”, with others calling homosexuality an “evil disease.”