Archbishop apologises for persecution of gays

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has apologised to gay people all around the world for the way they have been treated by the Church.
He recently criticised Anglicans for being ‘obsessed’ with homosexuality.
In a world exclusive interview with production company Made in Manchester, Tutu spoke to creative director Ashley Byrne.
The Gay Hour (Citizen Manchester LGBT) is the only gay programme on the BBC and is produced by Made in Manchester.
Speaking from Capetown in an interview to be broadcast this Monday evening Desmond Tutu said:
“I want to apologise to you and to all those who we in the church have persecuted.
“I’m sorry that we have been part of the persecution of a particular group.
“For me that is quite un-Christ like and, for that reason, it is unacceptable.
“Maybe even as a retired Archbishop I probably have, to some extent, a kind of authority, but apart from anything let me say for myself and anyone who might want to align themselves with me, I’m sorry.
“I’m sorry for the hurt, for the rejection, for the anguish that we have caused to such as yourselves.”
The interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu can be heard this Monday night from 8pm on BBC Radio Manchester (95.1fm in Manchester), on Dab Digital Radio or online at
The programme can be heard up to a week after its broadcast via ‘listen again’ by clicking on LGBT Citizen Manchester.
The full interview will also be available at shortly after its broadcast.