Double gay suicide in Cornwall shocks local residents

Two young gay men, Daniel Cudd, 23, and Roger Irons, 21, were found hanged in separate incidents in Falmouth, Cornwall.
Mr Cudd was found at a house in Helton’s Bulwark Road at around 4am on 31st July. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
On 2nd August, less than 48 hours after Mr Cudd was found, Mr Irons was found hanged from a tree at 3am in Chestnut Close.
The police are not treating the deaths as suspicious.
Mr Cudd’s mother told the Pink Paper:
“There was nothing whatsoever to suggest he would do something like this.
“Whatever the outcome, I will never believe he intended to take his own life. It was a tragic accident.”
Mr Cudd’s younger sister added: “Everyone thinks he didn’t mean to do it.”
The Intercom Trust, which provides support to LGBT people experiencing homophobia across the South West peninsula, say that the suicides should inspire a reassessment of the UK’s diversity policies.
Andy Hunt, project manager for the Helpline and Advocacy project at Intercom Trust, said:
“As far as we can tell these two tragic events were not connected.
“Whatever the background, we send our warmest sympathy to everyone who knew them.
“All young people have a right to stay safe, be healthy, and be informed about managing successful relationships and making a positive contribution to society.
“Young queers in Cornwall regularly tell our helpline that their local school, or their mates, can be very hostile, or just horribly ignorant about these things.
“They say it’s very difficult to get access to sensible useful information, or to find out about where they can turn for information and help when they need it.
“Schools and other mainstream agencies need to get the relevant information out there for their LGBT service-users, and make skilled support available.
“Above all they need to challenge the stigmas and the silly myths around the perfectly normal fact that some people in Cornwall do naturally grow up gay, lesbian or bisexual, and have a right to be respected on a level of absolute equality with their peers.”