Scottish government back TV and radio anti-bullying campaign

Scotland’s Minister for Schools and Skills launched National Anti-Bullying Week today at an event in partnership with respectme, Scotland’s national anti-bullying service.
There are specific programmes to tackle homophobic bullying.
Minister Maureen Watt unveiled respectme’s You Can Make a Difference national awareness media campaign featuring radio, cinema and a poster ads.
respectme is managed by the Scottish Association for Mental Health in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland.
The new campaign aims to raise awareness of the role that all adults have in dealing with bullying in young people’s lives and is accompanied by a practical resource for parents and carers on dealing with bullying.
The Scottish Government will continue to fund an anti-bullying helpline operated by Childline Scotland.
“We need to address all types of bullying so that schools can be inclusive, welcoming places, irrespective of an individual’s race, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age,” said Ms Watt.
“I am pleased to be able to announce a number of new initiatives which will help further this aim.
“Sometimes bullied young people feel they have no one that they can turn to. That’s why the Scottish Government is providing £480,000 over the next three years to fund a confidential anti-bullying advice service, provided by Childline Scotland.
“We are also making new resources available to give support for individuals who may face specific types of bullying. I am sure that these will prove reassuring and helpful for pupils, parents and teachers.”