Obama to nominate Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State

An aide to Barack Obama’s transition team has told reporters in the US that Hillary Clinton has agreed to be his nominee for US Secretary of State. An announcement is expected next week.
Senator Clinton will go through a Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing on her suitablity for the role, and there will be some examination of her and her husband’s finances, and those of Bill Clinton’s international foundation.
It was revealed yesterday that former President Clinton had handed information about thousands of donors to the foundation to the transition team vetting potential appointees.
Given the Democratic majority in the Senate, she is almost certain to be approved for the most prestigious Cabinet role in the federal government.
She will have to resign from the Senate seat representing New York that she has held since 2001. Senator Clinton would be the third female Secretary of State if appointed.
The role is responsible for foreign affairs, and Bill and Hillary Clinton are personally accquainted with most world leaders already.
She fought a tough campaign for the Democratic nomination for President, but was beated by Barack Obama after a series of tactical mistakes allowed him to surge ahead mid-campaign.
President-elect Obama has appointed at least seven gay or lesbian people to his transition team, and has issued a strong statement of support for gay rights.
He will be inaugurated in Washington DC on January 20th.