EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Brown to march at Pride London

The wife of the Prime Minister is to show her solidarity with the LGBT community this Saturday when she will march in the Pride London parade.
On Saturday morning Gordon and Sarah Brown will host a small reception at 10 Downing St for Pride organisers, gay rights campaigners and representatives of the pink press.
A Downing St spokesman told PinkNews.co.uk:
“Because of security considerations, the Prime Minister will not be able to march himself, but Sarah wanted to show her continued solidarity for the gay community by taking part.
“The Prime Minister will be showing his support at the reception on the morning of Pride.”
It is thought to be the first time a Prime Minister’s spouse has taken part in Pride but it is not the first time Gordon and Sarah Brown have demonstrated their support for gay equality.
On the morning of Pride London 2008 the Prime Minister met members of Stonewall and pledged his backing for their campaign against homophobic bullying.
Earlier this year Mr Brown spoke at a Downing St reception marking LGBT History Month. Mrs Brown also attended.
In October a leading American LGBT rights advocate was the guest of honour at a private lunch at Downing St.
Mrs Brown hosted the event for David Mixner, a veteran American civil rights campaigner, author and political strategist.
It was the first time a gay activist had been honoured in this way at No 10.
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in Pride London this Saturday, the country’s biggest LGBT event. Last year 825,000 people watched the parade.