Gay Tory MP attacks new expenses story
Openly gay Conservative MP Alan Duncan has attacked the Daily Telegraph over the latest story on his expense claims.
According to the newspaper, Duncan claimed £63,000 by “flipping” a mortgage to a property he had owned outright for ten years.
It said the multimillionaire MP, who is shadow leader of the House of Commons, bought the Rutland property without a mortgage and designated it his constituency home.
He is said to have taken out a £271,000 mortgage on the house in 2004 and claimed back £1,400 a month in mortgage interest payments.
Duncan, who was absent at today’s Pride celebrations, said he had switched the mortgage on his London home to the one in Rutland, but added he had taken out a loan against the London property in order to purchase the house in Rutland.
He told that the report was “a complete non-story”, adding it was “designed to deceive”.
His spokesman added: “The mortgage was taken out for the original purchase of his constituency home.
“This loan was secured at that time against his London home, even though it was used to purchase the constituency home.
“When he renewed his mortgage in early 2004, he realigned the security given to the bank with the property to which the loan directly related.
“The mortgage has always been in respect of the constituency property and any claim made against it in allowances has been entirely and exclusively for that purpose.”
In May, Duncan promised to pay back the £4,000 he claimed on expenses for gardening.